Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Michael Solomon over at Where Did My America Go has an op-ed about how Obama has awoken a sleeping giant with his arrogance and, dare I say, lies. By now we're all familiar with the two most absurd and arguably defamatory statements Obama has made about doctors over the last several weeks.

First, he accused doctors of intentionally taking out tonsils for extra cash then implied that they amputate the feet of diabetics for the same reason. SOLOMON NAILS HIM on both with facts:
When he (Obama) stood in front of the press and explained that my “pediatrician would rather take out my child’s tonsils than treat the symptoms with pain killers and antibiotics because he gets paid more from the insurance company,” I went into my usual rant at the one-eyed digital monster that I keep screaming at which never answers me. “You idiot,” I screamed. “You really expect the American people who have half a brain to believe that idiom?” My pediatrician will send me to an ENT surgeon to remove them and cure my child. He will never see him again for tonsillitis. So he is taking money out of his pocket, not lining it with medical insurance checks. What about the economic effect of mom or dad staying home with a sick child and missing time from work. No income, no taxes no money to pay for your new health care bill.

If that wasn’t bad enough he then told us at a staged town hall meeting, “If you have diabetes and need your foot amputated the surgeon collects $30,000 to $50,000 from Medicare for the surgery.”

“In fact, Medicare pays a surgeon between $740 and $1,140 for a leg amputation," said the American College of Surgeons (ACS), which is care that includes evaluation of the patient the day of the operation and follow- up care that is provided for 90 days after the operation. Private insurers pay a variation of the same amount, said the group, adding that it is "deeply disturbed" over the President's "uninformed public comments." Then the President told us “health care costs in the U.S. are almost twice what they are in the UK and Canada.” Here is a quick economic lesson for you Mr. President. It is twice as expensive because we get twice as much care. Consumer education 101, “You get what you pay for.”
Obama has a problem on his hands and if he was honest (I know, bear with me), he'd have to admit it's an unintended consequence of the Community Organizing tactics he's using that were birthed by his ideological hero, Saul Alinsky.

Reminds me of that saying, "Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword". It's still early but politically speaking, Obama may need to substitute "sword" with "Alinsky".

Solomon puts it this way:
Take heed town hall attendees “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” -Ghandi

As for a history lesson Mr. President you should have studied Gandhi not Saul Alinsky.
Be sure to read the WHOLE THING.

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