Monday, September 28, 2009


I love J.C. Watts. In fact, my high regard for him as a person and a politician should exempt me from charges of racism for disagreeing with Obama on practically everything that comes out of his mouth. Watts wrote an Op-ed that appeared in the Las Vegas Review Journal that excoriates Jimmy Carter for making such unsubstantiated and egregious claims.

The first paragraph of Watts' piece is particularly telling and goes right to the heart of the hypocrisy that is so prevalent on the left.
"There is an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president."

That comment comes from former President Jimmy Carter, which is fascinating considering Carter once ran for governor of Georgia proclaiming himself to be a "Lester Maddox Democrat." (Maddox, a former Georgia governor, was an avowed segregationist who opposed integration under the Civil Rights Act.)
Jimmy Carter, who once considered himself to be in the mold of a segregationist, is lecturing conservatives on matters of race?

The last paragraph is good too:
Ironically, I wonder how President Carter would view things if it were President Clarence Thomas proposing tax relief, protection for the unborn, raising the troop levels in Afghanistan or exploring for oil right here in the United States.
The big meaty middle is worth reading too.


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