Monday, September 28, 2009


Uh, pardon me for asking but...........WHAT TOOK SO LONG? On July 24th, Hillary Clinton called Zelaya's actions "reckless" when he crossed the border of Nicaragua into Honduras by foot with his tinfoil cowboy hat and a megaphone.

Last week, Zelaya sneaks into the capital of Honduras (Tegucigalpa) and takes refuge inside the Brazilian embassy. Yes, that was ONE WEEK AGO. Only now is the Obama administration making any kind of statement on Zelaya's antics. It's a shame they waited until after he made the delusional claim that Israeil mercenaries were planning to assassinate him while Israeli operatives were poisoning him with radiation. I guess you can start having visions when you have to sleep on chairs and don't have toothpaste.

Now for the real question. If the Obama administration thought Zelaya was "reckless" in July and that he's "foolish" for his latest stunt, how long will it take them to see the truth - Zelaya was removed from power legally.

REUTERS reported:
The United States blasted ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya for his "irresponsible and foolish" return from exile before a settlement was reached in the Central American country's political crisis.

At an emergency meeting of the Organization of American States to discuss the Honduran face-off, Lewis Anselem, the U.S. ambassador to the OAS, also criticized Honduras' de facto government for its "deplorable" action in barring entry of an OAS mission and declaring a state of siege on Sunday.

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