Sunday, September 13, 2009


Frank Rich at the New York Times provides the latest look into the psyche of the unhinged left when you talk about Barack "Far Left" Obama. These people are really outing themselves as a strain of humanity that would be fascinating to study if not in power.

Rich starts out by pointing a finger squarely at Obama for using a tactic that allowed the latter to escape quite a bit (like ties to Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, Rashid Khaleedi, Van Jones, Frank Marshall Davis, etc.). That tactic is of the "hands off / don't get too close to the scruff". Rich seems dissatisfied with "dancing with the one who brung you." He sets the stage for where he's going quite early in his acrimonious op-ed:
Obama’s deliberative brand of wait-and-then-pounce leadership let him squeak — barely — through the summer. The real crises already gathering won’t wait for him to stand back and calculate the precise moment to spring the next Do-or-Die Speech.

When trouble lurks, No Drama Obama stays calm as everyone around him goes ballistic. Then he waits — and waits — for that superdramatic moment when he can ride to his own rescue with what the press reliably hypes as The Do-or-Die Speech of His Career.
Someone needs to tell Rich that Obama didn't break from that script when he was distancing himself from all of his nefarious friends so he could become president. So why would he start now?

Rich apparently doesn't want to get too mad at Obama and needs to find another target for his ire. How about that "extreme right-wing"?
The right-wing fringe has become so deranged that it will yank its kids out of school to protest the president and risk yanking more Americans off assembly lines by boycotting General Motors to protest the administration’s Detroit bailout.
Actually, I was fully prepared to send my kid to school as a mole and report back to the family. That said, our district didn't show the speech. Truth be told, Mr. Rich, my problem with Obama speaking to our schoolchildren is tied more to my not trusting him than anything else. Did I mention all of his associates?

Here is where Rich exposes himself as a short-sighted liberal ideologue who simply doesn't get it:
Indeed Obama instantly gained a foot or two in height Wednesday night once that South Carolina clown hollered “You lie!” (One wonders what this congressman calls the Republican governor of his own state, Mark Sanford.)
Uh, Mr. Rich, you write for the New York Times. Why on earth would you have to "wonder" what Wilson thinks of Sanford? Why not go to the source and find out? Or is that too archaic for the NYT?

If you'd like to read the entire piece of partisan dreck from Frank Rich, CLICK HERE.

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