Sunday, September 13, 2009


After Barack Obama drew national attention to the incident involving his friend Henry Louis Gates (attention that ended up embarassing both he and Gates) by saying police "acted stupidly", Gates demanded an apology from the officer who arrested him.

Officer James Crowley's response? "There will be no apology."

How did Gates react to that? Did he get indignant? Did he point to Crowley's refusal to apologize as further evidence of his racism?

No. He caved by being the first to take President Obama up on the "beer at the White House" request. He realized that the longer things were drawn out, the worse he (Gates) looked.

The same will likely be the case for Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) who shouted, "You Lie" when president Obama, while addressing a joint session of Congress, said that his health care plan would not cover illegal aliens.

On Sunday, Wilson told Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace that he WOULD NOT cave to Congressional pressure to apologize on the House Floor. His courage is likely due, in part, to over $1 Million in contributions since the incident on July 9th.

CLICK HERE to see the video.

Oh, and here's the video that started it all....

People who want Crowley and Wilson to apologize are simply taking a page out of the Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton playbook.

Here's a tip for such folks....... People are on to you and have begun calling your bluff.

thanks to RCP for the video.

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