Sunday, September 13, 2009


A CNN reporter at the September 12th protest in Washington, D.C. was having a difficult time being heard over shouts of protesters. Chants like, "TELL THE TRUTH!" and, "GO HOME" were trumped in a big way when the chants of, "GLENN BECK! GLENN BECK! GLENN BECK!" started. An obvious consequence was the hottest show in cable news getting some free advertising on a competing cable channel (being kind) that has been quite derelict when it comes to the journalistic profession.

Providing even more poetic justice for Beck is that he used to have a show on CNN's Headline News and left presumably, because he couldn't do the show he wanted to do amidst a sea of Obamautomatons.

I'd say that like the Steelers cutting Johnny Unitas or the Falcons cutting Brett Favre, CNN is regretting the loss of Beck except something tells me pride / ideology is preventing that admission from taking place (despite Beck torching CNN with TD after TD after TD). Glenn Beck is a recovering alcoholic who didn't get better until he hit rock bottom and told the truth. In that regard, he's already ahead of CNN.

By the way, see if you can spot the sign that says, "JOE WILSON FOR TUTH CZAR".

h/t to HOT AIR

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