Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Yes, February of THIS year. Van Jones, a self-avowed communist and marxist who named his four-year old son after a radical african Marxist who is on record as championing the cause of Fidel Castro.

A big jaw-dropping moment (actually there are several) comes at about the 2:30 mark when a woman in the audience asks how Republicans were able to pass so much with less than 60 votes (uh, did I miss something there? What did they pass again?) while the Democrats are having trouble with 60 votes.

Be sure to catch Jones' highly professional response.


Another telling quote: "Some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity." Considering Mr. Obama hired this whack job as one of his czars, does that mean Mr. Obama is condoning that?

In the words of Nancy "SPEECH POLICI", "you be the judge."

Or how about this one a the 3:58 mark: "At a certain point, some of us need to figure out which two or three senators need to have terrible days until they act right." Uh, excuse me but how does a Czar get the power to call for the bullying of senators who are charged with representing the people in their own states? Is it me or does this come off as a threat?

Oh, and right at the end, he has the gall to ask scornfully, "How is that capitalism working for you this year?" in reference to a question about bailouts, stimulus, etc.

More than a little disturbing that a guy so out of phase with reality actually has this kind of power.

h/t to HOT AIR

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