Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Even the far left needs to own up to this one. The Obama administration's stance on restoring Honduran president Manuel Zelaya is aging like a sweaty sock. The longer Roberto Micheletti holds his ground, the more Zelaya exposes himself for who he is.

On June 28th, he was removed from office and even the CONGRESSIONAL LAW LIBRARY has determined their actions to be completely constitutional, except for deporting Zelaya - a move that could arguably have been an extension of kindness by Micheletti, who otherwise would have had to arrest Zelaya and charge him with treason.

As Zelaya remains holed up in the Brazilian embassy, he has made outrageous claims that Israeli mercenaries are plotting to assassinate him and that he is being poisoned with radiation. While neither Hillary nor Obama will admit it, they've both gotta be rolling their eyes inside a face palm.

To her credit, Greta has picked up on this story in recent weeks. Here she is talking with Newt about the situation in Honduras:

Leaders in the United States needing a lesson in courage (there are many) should look to Roberto Micheletti because he provides it in spades. With each passing day, he seems to impress while Zelaya looks increasingly like someone in need of medication.

For a microcosm of what I'm talking about, look no further than the current situation. Initially, Zelaya appeared to have done an end run around Micheletti by popping up inside the Brazilian embassy. Micheletti's hard line even then coupled with Zelaya's nutty words and actions have actually served to turn up the heat on Brazilian leadership from within.

REUTERS is reporting that the longer Zelaya is in Brazil's Honduran embassy, the more domestic support Brazil seems to be losing.
Brazil's government is facing growing criticism at home over its handling of the Honduran crisis as senior lawmakers accuse it of allowing the ousted president to use its embassy as a political platform.

Manuel Zelaya, who was toppled as Honduran president by a coup on June 28, has set up camp in the Brazilian embassy with dozens of supporters and has given numerous interviews to foreign and domestic media.
That last part, about him giving numerous interviews might be part of the problem. On Thursday, the 24th, Zelaya caused many to wonder if his white cowboy hat is made of tin foil when he made the outrageous claims about Israeli mercenaries going after him in an interview with the MIAMI HERALD.

h/t to GP for the Newt video.

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