Tuesday, September 29, 2009


UPDATE at 9:42am CT on 9/30/09: Ok, after playing with the speed and pitch of the audio of these folks responding to the call for prayer, I am now convinced that Barack Obama's name was NOT being invoked and I think it would demonstrate a strong bias to believe otherwise. I regret posting this video on my site in the context of the original post. Even if there is a debate over what was said, the benefit of the doubt must be extended to those involved in this case, in my view. I have concluded that doing otherwise or saying that it's difficult to tell what the people were saying is nothing more than a face-saving measure and I will not go there.

UPDATE at 3:42pm CT on 9/29/09: There is now some debate about whether the crowd is saying, "GOD", "Obama", or a mix of both. In either case, it's at best hypocritical for a group of Community Organizers, including Acorn, to take taxpayer dollars and pray over a politically and ideologically divisive issue in a public place. Watch again and judge for yourselves.


Andrew Breitbart has just posted a video from December of 2008 at a Gamaliel Foundation meeting. The Gamaliel Foundation is a group that was started by a few of Alinsky's students. Also note the attire of the two individuals who are leading the prayers.

Be sure to listen for the following recitations being repeated:

"Hear our cry Obama" and "Deliver us Obama".

This makes the thrill running up Chris Matthews' leg look like a lone goose bump.

CLICK HERE and HERE to see how closely linked Obama is to the Gamaliel Foundation.


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