Tuesday, September 29, 2009


What else are we left to conclude after watching this clip of Barack in 2008 while in Afghanistan during an interview for Bob Schieffer's "Face the Nation"? The words Obama used to describe the situation there were "Precarious and Urgent". His solution at the time? More troops. His solution now? Voting "present".

If, as Obama said, that Afghanistan needed to be "our central focus" and "the central front" in the battle against terrorism, why is he not listening to his Commanding General there, Stanley McChrystal? On a related note, if Obama believed what he said in the interview below in 2008, how does he justify only talking to McChrystal one time since he was inaugurated (claim by McChrystal)?

Maybe the administration's claim that the phrase "war on terror" not be used anymore was a pre-emptive strike against the notion of needing more troops. No war on terror = no need for more troops, right?

"You Lie!"
- Joe Wilson, 9/9/09

Here is McChrystal discussing how many times he and Obama have spoken, which can be counted on a hand missing four fingers:

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