Thursday, September 3, 2009


If there's one thing we've learned about Mr. Obama it's that he's not a fan of being associated with radioactive situations (though he seems to find himself close to a lot of them). When the heat gets a little too close, he's been known to cast aside its human source.

His Green Jobs Czar Van Jones appears to be exposing himself as being an unstable nucleus within the Obama machine. Bill Ayers at least learned how to tone down his rhetoric from 40 years ago and has apparently done so well at hiding his true beliefs that he became a professor at a major university.

Van Jones? Eh, not so much. There is a lot of unflattering video and audio coming out on Jones these days that show him as an angry radical marxist. A big problem for Jones is that the stuff surfacing is not that old. His son being named after a radical African marxist might be excusable if his offspring eclipsed the legal drinking age a while back. But alas, Cabral is not even old enough to go to kindergarten.

Now this latest installment is from a quaint little outfit called, "Uprising Radio" in which Jones was interviewed in April, 2008 (yes, a year ago).

Things to listen for:
Listen as Van explains the difference between "minimum goals" and "maximum goals". It's all about incrementalism, something Barack is a big fan of. You don't want to eat the entire apple in one bite. He's talking about incremental revolution by making sure minimum goals have (I love this metaphor) a "radical kernel".

Note also what he says about the green economy. "push it. push it. push it." Straight out of Saul Alinsky. Rule #8: Keep the pressure on.

Valerie Jarrett makes an appearance in this video as well. She is an advocate for Van Jones. Remember her? Obama's alleged preferred Senate seat replacement that ultimately went to Roland Burris.

A must see...

NAKED EMPEROR NEWS does it again with this revealing video (via BREITBART):

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