Thursday, September 3, 2009


Fathima Rifqa Bary is a 17-year old girl who fled to Florida after converting from Islam to Christianity in order to escape her Muslim parents, who she claims will kill her if she's sent back to Columbus, OH.

On August 21st, a Florida judge ruled that Rifqa's claims be investigated and another hearing be held today (September 3rd). Since the 21st, there has been much uncovered about the Noor Islamic Cultural Center, the mosque attended by Bary's family. Its ties to very radical Islamists are proving to validate the young girl's claims.

Now this from the COLUMBUS DISPATCH, which is reporting that Noor has begun to distance itself from the Bary case:
Mobin-Uddin, a Columbus pediatrician, was among the members of the Hilliard mosque who invited reporters to the facility yesterday afternoon for a tour and to distance themselves from the legal battle between the 17-year-old girl, Fathima Rifqa Bary, and her family.
It would appear that if ever Edmund Burke's famous words apply to a current situation, this would be it..

The only thing necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.

The Noor Center is on defense and they appear to be quite familiar with playing the victim card based on race, religion, or some other perceived difference.
The Noor Center said in its release that "hate groups appear to be using this family matter as an opportunity to attack the Muslim community and Islamic organizations in order to further their religious and political goals."
No one is attacking the Muslim community. What's happening is that investigations into the mosque are revealing that it has very close ties to very bad people.

ATLAS SHRUGS has been as close to this story as anyone and has an update, to include the Rifqa Bary Trust Fund. The ORLANDO SENTINEL is also reporting on the story and unbelievably, the Ohio welfare officials are attempting to pave the way for the return of Rifqa but Florida Governor Charlie Crist is apparently getting inundated with correspondence demanding Bary stay in Florida:
Ohio child welfare officials have already concluded it's safe for Rifqa to return. They want to place the girl in therapy and reunite her with her family.

That, however, may not be the conclusion of Florida officials who have had to deal with a flood of e-mail and reaction from thousands of people, many of them including anti-Muslim sentiments, who say the runaway is a hero.

Gov. Charlie Crist has received more than 9,000 e-mails about the runaway, his office said.
Tell you what. If the evidence presented by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement indicates that the Noor Islamic Center has ties to Islamic terrorists or that there is good cause to suspect Bary's parents of what the girl alleges, the judge (Daniel Dawson) should strongly word in his decision that a grand jury should be called to investigate.

If Rifqa is found to be in danger and allowed to stay, wouldn't that be the next logical step?

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