Thursday, September 3, 2009


I would be interested in learning what percentage of people who still support Obama-care are also fans of the IRS and would like to see its power increase. Or how about the percentage of Americans who don't think the IRS has enough power? Probably a low number, right?

York reports:
...if the (health care) plan envisioned by President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats is enacted, the primary federal bureaucracy responsible for implementing and enforcing national health care will be an old and familiar one: the Internal Revenue Service. Under the Democrats' health care proposals, the already powerful — and already feared — IRS would wield even more power and extend its reach even farther into the lives of ordinary Americans, and the presidentially-appointed head of the new health care bureaucracy would have access to confidential IRS information about millions of individual taxpayers.
If supporters of Obama-care were honest, they would have a problem with this. The problem may be that pride may get the better of them because the percentage of people who want the IRS to grow has GOT to be lower than those in support of this plan.

Apparently, the IRS is specifically named in H.R. 3200.
Under the various proposals now on the table, the IRS would become the main agency for determining who has an "acceptable" health insurance plan; for finding and punishing those who don't have such a plan; for subsidizing individual health insurance costs through the issuance of a tax credits; and for enforcing the rules on those who attempt to opt out, abuse, or game the system. A substantial portion of H.R. 3200, the House health care bill, is devoted to amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in order to give the IRS the authority to perform these new duties.
As RNC Chairman, Michael Steele should absolutely POUND on this! If you like the IRS, then support Obama-Care.


Well worth it.

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