Sunday, October 25, 2009


John Podesta and Laura Ingraham on the same panel? Interesting to say the least. The former runs Media Matters and is president of the Center for American Progress (CAP). That would be the same CAP that hired Van Jones back after he resigned from his job as Green Jobs czar. Not only that but Mark Lloyd (FCC Diversity czar) was a senior fellow at CAP as well.

It was obvious that Podesta wanted to play nice. He hasn't a leg to stand on when it comes to ACORN, considering that he was on-hand for their recent 40 year anniversary celebration. Moreover, Media Matters recently defended ACORN's story that James O'Keefe was thrown out of the Philadelphia office when the recently released video shows that is a lie.

Best part of this clip though, comes at about the 2:30 mark when Ingraham singles out Charlie Gibson for not knowing anything about the Acorn scandal. Stephanopolous actually defends Gibson by pointing to how many years he's been in the business.

Uh, George, that's the problem. May I refer you to Dan Rather?

Ingraham does well.


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