Monday, October 26, 2009


Ah, the legacy of Carter's Community Reinvestment Act from 1977. Beginning in 1998, Bill Clinton gave it a steroid injection, which opened the door for ACORN-types to bully banks. Then the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (otherwise known as the $787 Billion stimulate nothing bill) came out. Check out this video thanks to BREITBART, which shows SEIU thugs at the American Banking Associates conference.

Keep in mind that SEIU is protesting banks taking bailout money yet seems completely ignorant of the fact that their Community Organizer-in-Chief is the one responsible for giving it to them. Then once you consider that groups like the Apollo Alliance, who actually contributed to writing the stimulus bill are in bed with the same SEIU thugs who are raising a ruckus at this conference, you have to scratch your head even if there's only a grain of sand in your logical hourglass.

It's just like the UAW protesting outside one of its UAW owned plants. These people are so high on anger that they can't even take a two minute break to realize how unbelievably insane their position is.

Of course, if government is responsible for giving the banks all of this money, why aren't the union thugs going to Washington, D.C. to protest the government instead of going after the people the government gave the money to? Well, to do so would mean tea partiers have a point and pride trumps facts when you're drunk on it.

So why would these nuts love Obama while getting mad at the people Obama is responsible for giving money to?

1.) They just like to be angry
2.) They want in on the action
3.) All of the above

And to think that THIS video actually came out BEFORE Obama was elected.

h/t to MICHELLE MALKIN who has much more on this story (be sure to click and read the links within her post - powerful).

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