Monday, October 26, 2009


I love this guy, John Ziegler. He has a knack for getting under people's skin in a nice, hold-them-accountable kind of way. He asks tough questions comfortably and with a constant smile / smirk on his face that just seems to prompt laughter.

This interview with CPAC Chairman David Keene (who also heads the American Conservative Union) is a must-see. At WCPAC in Newport Beach, CA recently, Keene was in attendance and agreed to an interview with Ziegler. It's a safe bet that Keene was well aware that Ziegler has spent a significant amount of time fighting in defense of Sarah Palin and expected a polite exchange based on some statements Keene had made in opposition to Palin.

What he got was something entirely different.........and WAY more entertaining. Keene was right at first. Ziegler started out with soft jabs asking about Keene's stance that Sarah Palin was "whining" too much about the attacks against her.

The interview is in three parts and gets better with each installment.

Here's part 1. Remember, starts out with soft jabs and slowly escalates.

Ok, so Keene's buttons have been sufficiently pushed at this point. Here, Ziegler follows Keene through the hotel as Keene tries in vain to escape. I can't decide which part is the best. When Keene says Ziegler needs punched or Ziegler's exchange with the blogger.

Decide for yourself but I laughed the hardest at Ziegler's exchange with the blogger.

You know you can't help yourself. Here's part 3.

Check out ZIEGLER'S website

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