Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Wow! Talk about a strong statement (not). Nearly one year after Obama was elected, Bill O'Reilly says, "I'm starting to lose a little confidence (in Obama)". Wow, Bill! That's brilliant. What took you so long?! The Frank Marshall Davis story was brought to your attention before last year's election and there were plenty of people who knew what you're just now starting to realize.

I'm not going to pretend to know what's inside O'Reilly's head but he seems to be more concerned about being perceived as middle of the road so he can alienate both sides of an issue and be above both. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's just holding out and building capital so he can lay the hammer down with more force but if that's the case, he's doing so at his own country's peril.

Ignoring the truth on one side merely for the sake of being viewed as an independent is an ends-justify-the-means mentality. Feigning objectivity for the sake of appealing to a larger audience is disingenuous. I'm not saying that's what O'Reilly is doing but it has appeared to me that way for quite some time.

In light of that clip, Cliff Kincaid's slamming of O'Reilly at ACCURCY IN MEDIA'S 40th anniversary event on 10/23 takes on added significance.

h/t to GP

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