Monday, November 23, 2009


Derrick Roach, writing for the Big Government website, shines the light on an entirely new dimension within the ACORN California scandal. To re-cap, On October 1st, California Attorney General Jerry Brown announced that he was launching an investigation into ACORN on the heels of the undercover videos by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles. Last Week, we learned that one of ACORN's lead Organizers, David Lagstein, was caught on audio tape saying things about Jerry Brown that, if true, would mean Attorney General Brown would be guilty of pre-determining the outcome of an investigation.

Here is the link to that AUDIO. The recording of Lagstein allegedly took place on October 15th.

Now back to Roach's piece. Days before Brown was to arrive at the ACORN office in San Diego as part of his "investigation", the office engaged in a massive DOCUMENT DUMP. Roach reports that the San Diego office, just days before Brown's arrival grabbed documents and ran for the dumpster on October 9th:
Shockingly, we now learn that the ACORN office in National City (San Diego County) engaged in a massive document dump on the evening of October 9th, containing thousands upon thousands of sensitive documents, just days prior to the Attorney General’s visit. has learned that not only did this document dump occur, but the documents in question were irresponsibly and brazenly dumped in a public dumpster, without considering laws and regulations as to how sensitive information should be treated.

I am a local licensed private investigator. I took it upon myself to keep an eye on what the local ACORN office was up to, in light of the release of the undercover videos. I retrieved these documents from the public dumpster.
Aside from the obvious irony of a man named "Roach" dumpster diving, ACORN and Jerry Brown are likely the ones to start running because the light switch just went on.

Not only does it appear that ACORN attempted to destroy evidence prior to an investigation but they did so in an incredibly irresponsible way, leaving social security numbers and highly sensitive data just lying around - not sure but that should also be a crime. Check it out. Here are some of items found by Roach:

SanDiegoACORNDocumentDumpScandal-100909-Document1 -

It would seem that Brown may have some more unpleasant facts beside the O'Keefe / Giles videos. Quoting Roach:
The laws governing how sensitive, personal information such as social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, immigration records, tax returns, etc. must be treated are very stringent, and thus it seems as if ACORN may have committed serious violations in that department alone, with thousands upon thousands of potential plaintiffs.
Uh, oh Jerry Brown.

Go figure. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder seems more worried about trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City than in helping California Attorney General Jerry Brown investigate ACORN. Based on the alleged audio recordings from October 15th that could implicate Brown in obstruction of Justice and fraud and now a document dump just prior to Brown's visit, Holder is likely derelict by not investigating both Brown and ACORN.

Based on Holder's resume, don't hold your breath.

Be sure to read Roach's entire report. It includes photos of the document dump.


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