Monday, November 16, 2009


Head of thug organization SEIU, Andy Stern certainly doesn't have a problem lobbying but does he have a problem lobbying? It's looking as though he does but as has been the case so often in this administration, it's more likely that we'll see the consequences include some white washing as opposed an honest investigation. Then again, when does something become SO egregiously blatant that even the staunchest of democrats have to concede?

Please ignore the ACORN videos before answering that question.

h/t to HOT AIR for drawing attention to this. Two strong groups have teamed up to draft a letter calling for the investigation into Andy Stern's lobbying activities after he resigned from lobbying in 2007.

CLICK HERE to read the letter the Americans for Tax Reform and the Alliance for Worker Freedom sent to both congress and the U.S. Attorney.

At issue is the fact that since stepping down as a federal lobbyist, Stern appears to have continued lobbying. Quoting from the letter:
it appears that Mr. Stern continued to lobby extensively after he terminated his registered status, and in 2009 devoted so much time on lobbying and related activities that he should have re-registered as a lobbyist under LDA.
LDA stands for Lobbying Disclosure Act.

There's more. We all remember who topped the list of White House visitors based on the logs that were revealed recently. Andy Stern of SEIU visited the White House 22 times over the period chronicled. He did so as someone who had resigned from being a lobbyist. Yet, his reasons for visiting appear to have been related to lobbying. Do those 22 visits to the White House constitute lobbying activity? It would appear so.
Since White House personnel, including the President and Vice President, are considered “covered” officials under LDA, all of Mr. Stern’s communications with them during these 22 visits covering 20 days would constitute “lobbying contacts.” The time spent at the White House also constitutes “lobbying activity” time which must be captured for determining whether Mr. Stern spent more than 20% of his time during any calendar quarter engaged in lobbying.
Interestingly, Twitter may be the most damaging thing for Stern as both ATR and AWF include Twitter posts made by Stern that would also indicate lobbying activity (in addition to his White House visits).

From page 8 of the letter:
On Twitter
“Lobbying with Mayor Bloomberg on health care. Leaving Senator Snowe. Mayor big proponent of keeping people healthy and the right public plan”
(, 6/24/09)

“Great discussion last 2 days with many Senators. Complicated issue but commitment to change. All understand-longer we wait worse it gets”
(, 6/17/09)

“At Springsteen Concert. Lots of fundraisers in box. Good free choice meetings with key Senators
today “
(, 5/18/09)

“Great White House meeting with serious, real discussion on cost savings. June 1 deadline for real results. Glad we could get this started.”
(, 5/11/09)

“Leaving White House. Serious , real discussion with great possibilities. Now work to be done by June 1 deadline. Glad we get start this.”
(, 5/11/09)

“At White House for meeting with President on Health care.”
(, 5/11/09)

“Congressman Sestak impressive on CNN. Visiting him tomorrow.”
(, 5/3/09)

“Specter, Sebelius, Washington Capitols, and 100 great days. On a roll Now let's fire Ken Lewis at B of A today to keep a great week going”
(, 4/29/09)

“just left White House where group from MoveOn to Chamber of Commerce but mostly progressives had cocktails with Prez and VP”
(, 2/18/09)
According to the LDA, in order not to be in violation, a person cannot spend more than 20% of their time performing lobbyist activities. Likely, a question that is going to be at the heart of any debate is one that involves this determination relative to Stern. ATR and AWF seem to be going down the road of one lobbying act in one particular day should count as 20% of a five-day work week. That seems fair on its surface but I wonder if there's enough gray area there to break it down based on a 40 hour work week.

A question I have is why Stern would step down from his lobbying post. Considering the fact that he topped the White House visitor list, perhaps the larger concern for the administration was the appearance of so blatantly reneging on a campaign promise of not working with lobbyists, even though that promise has since been broken multiple times. As the head of SEIU, was Stern's profile and status simply too big to be an "official" lobbyist?

In light of this new Obama administration saga involving Stern, check out this video interview of him recently. If you take note of anything in particular, check out his response to the recent ACORN scandal and how he says those involved should be held accountable. Fast forward to the 1:30 mark and hear him say:

"My sense is ACORN made a series of mistakes. Unfortunately, they paid a price, which is what happens sometimes when you make mistakes."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping shine the light on this situation! I hope the Justice Department agrees to this request, for at least an investigation.
