Monday, November 16, 2009


Dick Morris has a great point that is the subject of his article appearing in the New York Post. Not only is Obama setting the stage for political theater in New York City by giving the green light for a civilian trial for Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and the boys but he is simultaneously attempting to quash a congressional investigation into the Fort Hood massacre by saying such an event would, "turn this tragic event into political theater".

Morris explains further:
It is not political theater itself to which Obama objects -- but theater that highlights issues that liberals would rather forget. He is quite content to let the Mohammed trial become the theater of the left. Perhaps even eager.

Obama and his handlers know that the key to building favorable ratings is to control the agenda. And the more the national discussion centers on national security and terrorism, the more Republicans gain. So the Fort Hood terror attack comes at an awful time for an administration trying to turn the nation's attention away from the terrorist threat.
Not only is this move by Obama - coupled with his statements about Hasan - hypocritical, but it has the effect of making him appear sympathetic to the enemy in two very disturbing ways.

1.) Elevating 5 enemies of this country to the level of having the same rights as citizens of this country.
2.) Not wanting congress to investigate the motives of a domestic enemy of this country.

By his actions and statements, he is dismissing the notion of #1 being political theater while using the argument that political theater would result if an investigation commenced (notion #2).

Back to Morris...
As soon as the killing spree was over, Obama hastened to call it "an act of violence" -- obscuring the obvious fact that it was the most serious terror attack on US soil since 9/11. And, as evidence mounts that the FBI was on to Major Nidal Malik Hasan for years, the president is doing his best to stop Congress from finding out why these warnings went unheeded.

Even as Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee confirmed that the government knew of 10 to 20 e-mails between Hasan and a radical imam in Yemen -- who was urging the killing of American troops -- starting last December, Obama hastened to urge Congress to refrain from investigating why the danger signs were ignored.

Check out the ENTIRE ARTICLE.

This is a clear example of how unexpected events outside the control of a president's agenda can expose and derail that agenda.

h/t to FR

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