Friday, December 18, 2009


There is something funny about watching Barack Obama get angry about inaction. That notwithstanding, Obama flew into Copenhagen just in time to give a terrible speech and watch China and India walk out. Even ABC news is having to concede the failure.

POLITICO reported:
COPENHAGEN — A visibly angry Barack Obama threw down the gauntlet at China and other developing nations Friday, declaring that the time has come "not to talk but to act" on climate change.

Emerging from a multinational meeting boycotted by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Obama warned delegates that U.S. offers of funding for poor nations would remain on the table “if and only if” developing nations, including China, agreed to international monitoring of their greenhouse gas emissions.

China and India apparently liked the speech so much, they WALKED OUT:
India and China have taken a united stand and walked out of the climate summit as Copenhagen talks fail.

Tensions prevailed at the climate talks at Copenhagen today, as Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh and China premier Wen Jiabao walked out of the summit along with their respective delegations, as talks failed.
We all know what happens when Obama gets angry. He takes it out on conservatives.

h/t to HA

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