Friday, December 18, 2009


To this day, the Justice Department has yet to explain why the case against the Black Panthers, who were caught on tape intimidating voters on election day, was dropped despite winning a default judgment. It appears to be so egregious that Holder may not be able to just let it fade away, all of the other crises notwithstanding.

The WASHINGTON TIMES is reporting that Rep. Frank R. Wolf of Virginia is using a "resolution of inquiry" to put pressure on Eric Holder's DOJ:
A senior House Republican on Thursday introduced a "resolution of inquiry" that would require the House Judiciary Committee to seek answers on why the Justice Department dismissed a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in last year's elections.

Rep. Frank R. Wolf of Virginia also said he had language inserted in the Justice Department's annual spending bill requiring that its Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) provide to the House Appropriations Committee the results of OPR's investigation surrounding the dismissal of the case.

Mr. Wolf, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee's commerce, justice and science subcommittee, and Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, requested an investigation into the case earlier this year.

Under House rules, committees must take action on resolutions of inquiry within 14 legislative days. Mr. Wolfs resolution directs Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to provide Congress with "all information" relating to the decision to dismiss the case. The committee must hold a straight yea-or-nay vote on the resolution.
Whether the Black Panther case, the Fort Hood shooting investigation, Walpin-gate, or the countless other inconveniences for this administration, my money is going on Holder ignoring this request.

h/t to FR

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