Friday, December 18, 2009


It appears that not only is Democrat Chris Dodd in danger of losing his seat but there are some democrats willing to help usher him out of it before the election, asking him to step aside. Polls are apparently showing Dodd behind his Republican challenger by double digits. So what reason is being given for former Connecticut Democratic Party Chair Ed Marcus wanting Dodd to step aside?

In politics, perception is everything and that is the reason here according to this CNN political tracker:
"Chris has had Obama in for him, Biden in for him, a lot of TV ads and they haven't moved the numbers," former Connecticut Democratic Party Chair Ed Marcus told local television station WFSB. "Rightfully or wrongfully the perception within the voting public in Connecticut is just negative toward Chris."

A recent Quinnipiac poll suggests Dodd faces an 11-point deficit against Rob Simmons, one of several Republicans vying for the party's nomination to face Dodd. The poll also suggests Dodd would loose to Republicans Linda McMahohn and Tom Foley, while he would tie Sam Caligiuri and Peter Schiff.

Marcus has two things that lend credibility to what he is saying. One, he's a political animal and two, he's a local political animal in Connecticut.

This is good news for those who can't stand corrupt scumbags like Dodd.

h/t to HAP

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