Friday, December 18, 2009


Michael Mann of climategate fame has issued a rebuttal to Sarah Palin's calling him out on the scandal. Upon reading his column, I decided to send him a letter. I wasn't planning to post it but since Doug Ross did such a good job of making it look better than what I sent, I decided to go ahead and do it.

Be sure to visit DOUG ROSS often:
Mr. Mann,

It takes a lot of gall to try to defend AGW [anthropogenic global warming] after it's been exposed as a complete and total fraud thanks to Climategate. The "Hide the Decline" email is but an ice chip in a glacier of examples -- so focusing on that exclusively is rather inconsequential.

There are other issues like the hockey stick chart (yours, I believe) that have been completely and utterly debunked; the Hadley Center's cherry-picking of data from Russia's meteorological stations; the stonewalling of freedom-of-information requests; the omission of accurate Medieval Warming Period (MWP) temperatures that were significantly warmer than the current period; the suppression and intimidation of opposing viewpoints; ... but I grow tired, should I continue? The whole thing is beyond shameful. If you possessed but a modicum of honesty, you would simply admit your crimes.

Oh -- are you familiar with Archimedes? When ice melts, water levels actually fall. It has to do with displacement and the density of ice versus water. Claiming that sea levels will rise because glaciers melt is either ignorant or fraudulent. Can you pass that along to your buddy-slash-current Science Czar John "Mass Sterilization" Holdren? He's actually been wrong about, well, pretty much everything over the years. Maybe you could help him out.

Mr. Mann, the best thing you could do would be to come clean and seek forgiveness. Such an act would be both humbling and liberating. You should try it. It's an option that's always available. And it's never too late to free yourself.

Would you agree that humility and contrition are noble endeavors?


Ben Barrack
HERE is Mann's column.

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