Sunday, December 6, 2009


Remember that other case of Sudden Jihad Syndrome (SJS) that occurred back in Arkansas at an Army recruiting office? One soldier was killed and another wounded. In this case, it is the father of the man accused of the murder who is speaking out against the Feds. The accused is Abdulhakim Muhammad and his father seems to be implying that the FBI has the blood of his son's victims on its hands. Fox 16 reported:
The father of the man charged with shooting two soldiers in Little Rock is speaking out. He says his son, Abdulhakim Muhammad, was manipulated by Islamic extremists overseas and the FBI knew it but didn't step in before it was too late.

Melvin Bledsoe of Memphis looks at what his son is accused of doing at the Army Recruiter Station in Little Rock last June the same way he looks at foiled terror plots in Dallas, and the Fort Hood shootings earlier this month. He sees them all as acts of terrorism that could have been prevented.

"I want to say how sorry I am for the family of the soldier and we know what they're going through," Bledsoe says. "They're grieving and we're very sorry for their grieving."

Nearly six months after police say his son, Abdulhakim Muhammad, 24, gunned down two soldiers, Bledsoe wants answers from the federal government. "I don't understand why the federal government has not taken this case which it is,” Bledsoe says. “This involves a United States soldier."
Read the whole report HERE.

h/t to JW

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