Sunday, December 6, 2009


You are guaranteed to read this with mouth agape. On December 3rd, Andy McCarthy wrote in National Review that a Muslim named Louay Safi was lecturing troops at Fort Hood about Islam. For those of you who like to champion diversity, what would you say if Safi was a prominent figure with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which is not only an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial but is a Muslim Brotherhood group?

I urge and encourage you to read McCarthy's ENTIRE ARTICLE as it provides additional detail about Safi that will make the Nidal Malik Hasan case look like an exercise in extremely well thought out reason and logic.

Notice that McCarthy quotes a source that says the Fort Hood Commander should be fired. That commander's name is Lt. General Robert Cone. As someone who broadcasts to the Fort Hood market, I took personal interest in this story and noticed that the local paper here, the Temple Daily Telegram did a story on the Fort Hood Commander today, albeit a PUFF PIECE. I won't go so far as to say Cone should be fired as he's only been there for three months and my guess is he had no idea that Safi lectured soldiers on his base less than one month after Hasan murdered 14 people.

That doesn't mean Cone shouldn't know about Safi.

Guess what. That is the Telegram's job. Instead of writing a glowing human interest story on Cone, how about if they did a little investigating about Safi and followed up with Cone in subsequent articles?

I railed on this story during my DECEMBER 6TH SHOW.

Due to the fact that the Telegram's website did not carry the entire print story on Cone, I scanned the entire article from the actual paper and posted below.


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