Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Did you know there is a senatorial election in Massachusetts this upcoming January 19th? Ted Kennedy's seat is open and that day will determine who fills it. Yet, it appears that the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) is somewhat disinterested in throwing its weight behind Republican candidate Scott Brown.

The Boston Herald REPORTS:
GOP U.S. Senate candidate Scott Brown has been all but abandoned by the same national Republican committees that pumped hundreds of thousands in campaign cash to former governors Mitt Romney and William Weld during their long-shot bids for U.S. Senate.

The snub has outraged local Republicans who say national conservatives should be jumping at the chance to nab the first open Senate seat in decades despite Brown’s tough odds in the Jan. 19 special election.

“They need to give Scott a level playing field,” said former state GOP chairman Peter Torkildsen. “It’s one of those rare opportunities that a Republican has a good shot in Massachusetts.”
What I find more than a little disturbing about this is that the NRSC has demonstrated a propensity for targeting moderates with its assistance, to a fault. Case in point is in Florida. NRSC chairman John Cornyn threw his group's support behind Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio in Florida back in MAY. Yet, since then, Rubio has pulled ahead of Crist slightly.

Days before Arlen Specter defected to the Democrats, the NRSC came out IN SUPPORT of him instead of Pat Toomey, who is a true conservative.

What on earth is wrong with Cornyn's NRSC? They should be all over this?! Obama is tanking and conservatism is on the rise. The GOP will face a severe backlash even if this race is close with Brown losing while the NRSC stood on the sidelines. Dede Scozzafava in NY 23 is the prime example.

Contact the NRSC and let them know how you feel.

h/t to HA

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