Thursday, December 31, 2009


I found this exchange while looking for the latest Ben Nelson ad. It was posted shortly after the Stimulus package was signed into law back in February. Larry King has both Ben Stein and Ed Schultz on his program to talk about what needs to be done to rejuvenate the ailing economy.

Far left progressive Schultz is shamed with his own words more than once in hindsight. In part 1, go to the 1:15 and 3:15 marks. At 3:45, he says, "This plan (stimulus) is going to work. It's just a matter of time."

Time's up, Ed.

In part 2, fast forward to the 1:19 mark as Ed says Obama isn't for bailouts and doesn't want to do this. And lastly, the 2:10 mark offers a gem too. Schultz, in defending stimulus, alludes to the need for health care reform. You'd think that after he was proven wrong on the Stimulus, he might have less credibility or even re-examine his paradigms. But alas, full steam ahead with healthcare these days, right Ed?

Here is one of the posts on YouTube from lv3ddip, an obvious abject liberal. I'd love to know his/her take now.

2:29 Sir, Sir, we have lost something like 7 trillon dollars of the savings of americans since Mr. Obama won the election...
The money is not out yet, and this clown says the money is lost?
Why the conservatives use comedians as their spoke persons? like this fart an the oxycontin addict.
By Stabilizing the financial system, Is he proposing to keep bailing out Wall Street?
Sir, Sir, Shut the f*** up!!!

Good job, big Ed!

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