Monday, December 14, 2009


Seventeen-year old Rifqa Bary is currently in Columbus awaiting her fate. As she does, it appears we have some very interesting developments. The Columbus Dispatch's Meredith Heagney has been suspected of being sympathetic to Bary's Muslim parents and the larger Muslim community in Columbus in general. Now it looks like the Barys conducted media interviews in the offices of CAIR with the CAIR representative likely counseling them on how to respond.

Not only that but the interviewers, including Heagney, seemed to parrot the talking points spouted by the Barys and sanctioned by CAIR.

Rusty at JAWA reports:
a source who was inside a secret strategy meeting conducted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) earlier this week has conveyed the strategy that the media's favorite Islamist group has devised to respond to the ongoing public relations crisis. According to my source who attended the strategy session, CAIR officials handed out copies of this Orlando Sentinel article and want supporters to push the meme that Christians have brainwashed and abducted this gullible teenage girl. They have also instructed supporters to circulate rumors that Rifqa had been carousing with infidel boys and engaged in acts of immorality. This CAIR strategy takes the focus off the near-universal Islamic legal precepts and Quranic injunctions that demand death for apostates and impugns the character of the innocent girl at the center of this controversy who appears to be in genuine fear for her life if she is returned to her parents.

That media narrative of Rifqa being brainwashed and abducted by a Christian cult was one that was carried by many media outlets, most notably Meredith "Hijab" Heagney of the Columbus Dispatch, Michael Kruse of the St. Petersburg Times, among others. In all their reporting, however, they carefully left the connections of the terror-tied CAIR out of their stories.

But from my source inside CAIR comes new information indicating media complicity with respect to concealing CAIR's backstage management of the case on behalf of Rifqa's allegedly abusive parents.
These reporters are too cowardly to be complicit in this absurdity. Again, it would appear that a more likely answer would be STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.

More at JW

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