Monday, December 14, 2009


As Allegory arrived in Copenhagen, journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer attempted to challenge him on what Allegory has maintained in interviews, that the most recent emails in climategate are 10 years old. Considering that is flat out wrong and likely a conscious lie, it's really no wonder his entourage masquerading as U.N. thugs were a little irritable. Then again, maybe allegory was acting vicariously through them out of anger at having to cancel is $1209 per person event that allowed ticket holders to shake his hand while being given a snack.

Keep watching as one of the light blue shirted thugs rips the microphone cord from McAleer's microphone. McAleer was also the same guy who challenged Gore a couple of months ago about the abundance of polar bears - a direct contradiction to Allegory's claims.

At another event in Copenhagen, McAleer asks a Stanford University professor to comment on climategate. Watch as the professor becomes more emotional than necessary.

I find it amazing that these U.N. thugs not only act just like ACORN and SEIU but like to bully people that pose no threat to them. I wonder how that guy would have reacted if five Imams had done the same thing.

h/t to HAP

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