Thursday, December 31, 2009


This one is truly amazing. When an entity decides to police itself by insisting that certain factual statements are offensive and warrant an apology out of some sort of political correctness, we've really reached a new low. That's what happened in Seattle with an FM station called 107.7 The End. On December 28th - the day after DHS Secretary Napolitano said, "the system worked" - someone either hacked into or logged on to the station's Twitter account and made the following extremely incendiary comment:
Not all Muslims are terrorists—but nearly all terrorists are Muslims. Time to accept profiling America.
Apparently ignoring the fact that the statement is actually factual, The End decided it needed to apologize anyway.

UPDATE: The End's program director responds. Details after the jump.
Yesterday, at 3:43 PM, someone logged on to alternative radio station 107.7 The End's Twitter account and posted this:

"Not all Muslims are terrorists--but nearly all terrorists are Muslims. Time to accept profiling America."
The Twitterer then stuck around for the next two hours, defending his/her thoughts to some of The End's followers, before finally signing off:
"Cee ya. Until I get my own show."
By morning the comments had been deleted. In their place was this apology:

We abhor last nights twitter hacking. The End brand in no way condones the comments and apologizes. Pswrd & security measures changed.
This is an incredible level of cowardice on the part of 107.7 The End. They should actually call their station, "The End of Common Sense".

Here is a LINK to their website. Let them know how you feel.

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