Thursday, December 31, 2009


I usually can't stand crosstalk to the point that no one can be understood but this, for some reason, is very entertaining. The scene is Larry King interviewing a three-person panel consisting of Ron Paul, Sheila Jackson Lee, and Ben Stein. Paul once again demonstrates why he's a foreign policy buffoon despite being a domestic policy genius. He simply doesn't know a lick about the motivations, aspirations, and goals of Islam.

He assumes far too much without knowing anything about the religion. Paul actually makes the argument that the underwear bomber attempted to blow himself up along with 280 passengers because the United States is an occupier. It really gets good after Stein claims Paul's argument is anti-semitic. Also detracting from Paul's credibility on the subject is the fact that he doesn't come anywhere close to pronouncing Abdul Mutallab's name correctly.

Sorry, Ron. I'm more than happy to give you my full attention when you're talking about the need for auditing the Fed or illegal immigration but when it comes to Islam, you're out to lunch. I'll give my attention on those matters to folks like Steve Emerson, Walid Shoebat, Robert Spencer, Brigitte Gabriel, Nonie Darwish, Craig Winn, et. al.

In the meantime, enjoy this one....

h/t to HA

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