Friday, December 18, 2009


As if the notion of man-made climate change could become anymore of a farce, this new angle to the Climategate scandal just did it. We already know about the emails from the CRU at East Anglia University, a research center relied upon heavily by the Allegory crowd. Now Russia is making things difficult for the Hadley Climate Research Unit Temperature (HadCRUT), also located in Great Britain and like East Anglia's CRU, it is a source for the findings of the man-made global warming whack jobs.

Russia is accusing Hadley of ignoring the findings of its more remote meteorological stations. According to Russia's Institute of Economic Analysis, only 25% of the data from Russia's met stations were used and that 40% of Russia's land mass not included. Now we learn that information not used did in fact show that there was no evidence of man-made global warming. CATO has more on that story.

This video from RUSSIA TODAY provides more detail. Watch all the way to the end as it appears Russian president Medvedev will have signed whatever document is produced in Copenhagen. The logical question for me is why would he do that in light of these revelations about a British research unit (Hadley) manipulating weather data from his own country? Here's MORE on Medvedev signing the document.


h/t to GP

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