Friday, December 18, 2009


The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, led by Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and ranking member Susan Collins (R-ME) appears to be getting stonewalled on the investigation of the Fort Hood shootings. Collins and Lieberman met with members in the Dept of Defense and apparently walked out scratching their heads.

According to CNSNews:
“Today’s hearing was very helpful, but I would be remiss if I did not express my disappointment in the administration’s slow walking of this case,” Collins said after Tuesday’s briefing by Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence James R. Clapper, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Karl F. Schneider, and Maj. Gen. Carla G. Hawley-Bowland, commanding general of the Northern Regional Medical Command and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where Hasan worked before being transferred to Fort Hood.

“It’s clear that the Department of Defense has been instructed to fully cooperate with the administration’s reviews and investigations that appear not to be under restrictions of any kind from the Department of Justice,” Collins said. “It seems to me that the administration needs to accord that same kind of cooperation to Congress as we carry out our constitutional duty to exercise oversight in this area."
Who heads the Justice Department again? Oh yeah, that would be Eric Holder. The same guy who is either responsible for or involved in the following:

* Pardon of Marc Rich
* Pardon of FALN terrorists
* Pardon of two Weather Underground terrorists
* KSM trial in NYC
* Openning the door for prosecution of CIA officials
* Dropping charges against Black Panthers in the Philadelphia polling station case

h/t to FR

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