Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Many interesting dimensions to this one. First, Hillary says that after eleven months, Iran has failed to unclench its fist despite America's multiple extended hands (paraphrase). Whether she admits it or not, this is a direct reflection on the failure of Obama's policy, premise, and promise on the campaign trail.

Secondly, as Iran continues to arm itself with nukes, becoming a daily threat to the United States, Obama continues to demonize conservatives within his own country. Who exactly is enemy #1 for Obama? If it's American citizens who disagree with his agenda and ideology, what does that say about him?

Thirdly, at the end of the Hillary portion of this clip, John Bolton chimes in. Yes, he agrees with Hillary but he also tacks on an "I told you so" by saying that everything she said was "predictable".

Fourthly, I think this video provides a nice little microcosm of a much bigger picture. A flashback to 2005 when Republican Senator George Voinovich cried out of fear at the prospect of John Bolton being named United States ambassador to the U.N. Four years later and it would appear Bolton was unequivocally the wrong source of Voinovich's fear. The comparison here is that Bolton represents those who Obama is demonizing domestically and Voinovich represents appeasers who are all too willing to demonize anyone willing to point out very scary truths and realities.

h/t to GP for the Hillary video.

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