Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Seriously, as I watched this I couldn't help comparing the kids Monckton was talking to with High School students in a classroom who would face no repercussions for their childish behavior in front of a substitute teacher when the normal teacher got back. Typical sophomoric behavior exhibited by these delinquents. I'm sure these kids were deprived of attention as children and demonstrate perfectly the consequences of removing the paddle from the classroom.

A few examples, notwithstanding the application of stickers to Monckton's back in order to laugh like first-graders and completely taking his words out of context, to look for...

1.) The main derelict in this video who is obviously trying to bait Monckton. Monckton tells him he will not answer his question and punk boy scornfully mouths that dissent is not being tolerated. What is not shown is what led up to that. My guess is the kid was interrupting Monckton at every turn until that point.

2.) The derelicts accuse Monckton of taking money from Big Oil (Exxon) to push his agenda. When Monckton says he doesn't take money from anyone, the camera stops and the message on the screen says something about how Exxon paid more than $500k for the event. I fail to see how the connection is made if Monckton received no money personally and merely used the event as a forum but that doesn't stop these wackos.

3.) Notice how they cut the camera after Monckton says, "don't listen to me". The part they cut off had to do with him telling them to investigate and listen to the facts for themselves.

This film is a window into some very un-developed minds. Unfortunately, those minds have been manipulated and exploited by some very sick and devious ones.

Some good to come out of this? Before nodding off to sleep, hopefully some of these kids regretted their behavior and allowed some of Monckton's words to sink in. Hold your breath.


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