Wednesday, January 6, 2010


On one hand, I feel the same anger Rove is expressing. On the other hand, I have been waiting for quite some time to see this kind of passion from members of the political establishment. If this clip is any indication of what we can expect in 2010, perhaps "above the fray" discourse will reach its end, to which I say GOOD RIDDANCE.

It is NO LONGER OK to disagree without being disagreeable. It's time to start seeing this level of passion and anger on a much more regular basis. The Founding Fathers had plenty of knock-down-drag-out fights and it spawned the greatest nation in history.

I also am impressed with Greta lately. Long gone are the days when she spent an hour on Anna Nicole-Smith type sagas and I genuinely look forward to her show these days.

h/t to H4A

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