Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The enraging thing about this exchange is that Bill O'Reilly has a high-ranking individual who represents a group that was an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial in which the defendants were found guilty; a group that has ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood; the FBI has severed ties with the Council of American Islamic Relations.

Yet, they continue to get a forum on O'Reilly's program while men like Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim terrorist who converted to Christianity is consistently denied appearances on the Factor (yes, I know this first hand).

As for the exchange itself, it's not bad. A couple of premises to keep in mind before viewing if possible.

1.) America's Islamic enemies use projection (accusing the west of what they themselves are doing)
2.) Like the left, America's Islamic enemies generally say exactly the opposite of what they actually mean

Example #1: Listen as CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper says profiling is a "victory for al-Qaeda". What this tells us is that profiling would harm al-Qaeda.

Example #2: Listen as Hooper says al-Qaeda's talking point is that the West is at war with all of Islam. No, Mr. Hooper, it is al-Qaeda that claims Islam is at war with all of the west and that Islam should rule the world.

Example #3: Hooper says "profiling is ineffective and counter-productive". Considering that Hooper is a member of a group that should be labeled an enemy of the United States, it only means that it's ineffective and counter-productive for America's enemies.

There are plenty more but see for yourself.

h/t to H4A

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