Saturday, January 16, 2010


First, there was the "thug shove" of a reporter who dared ask Coakley a question. Then came the fallout - the thug was an Obama nominee for the Board of Broadcasters and Coakley was proven to have witnessed the assault courtesy of a photo, lampooning her claims of ignorance. Secondly, audio of her on November 17th is uncovered in which she admits as District Attorney, to willfully ignoring the enforcement of immigration laws. Thirdly, there's audio of her accusing Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilliing of being a Yankee fan, ostensibly because he endorsed Scott Brown.

Now THIS. Courtesy of the Boston Herald:
Shipping giant UPS isn’t amused by a Democratic Party campaign pamphlet attacking Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown that plays off the company’s slogan “What can Brown do for you?”

Atlanta-based United Parcel Service, known for its ubiquitous brown trucks, demanded yesterday that the Massachusetts Democratic Party, which is listed as paying for the pamphlet, stop distributing it.

The mailer asks “What can Brown do to you?” It shows Scott Brown dressed up as a UPS driver and says, “He can reward corporations that ship your job overseas just like George W. Bush.”
Can you believe this? Massachusetts' Attorney General witnesses an assault and ignores it; admits to not enforcing the law; and now is possibly engaging in copyright infringement.

Priceless. Utterly priceless.

h/t to LI

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