Saturday, January 16, 2010


There is no question that the intangible known as "momentum" is on the side of Scott Brown in Massachusetts. As a Republican in that state, if he didn't have such a huge mountain to climb, this race would have been over long ago. However, the momentum he captured has put him neck and neck with thug-endorsed Democrat, Martha Coakley.

However, it appears that those thugs are now rooting for the "anti-thug" candidate. Let's not be too hasty about this though. These are just as likely Republicans, conservatives, or Tea Partiers who have infiltrated SEIU and confiscated some of their shirts.

Either way, this is a huge coup - either strategically or naturally. It's a win / win. If they're really SEIU folks, there has been an awakening. If not, they've beaten the thugs at their own game.

Awakening or double agent grass-roots masquerading as astro-turf?

You be the judge.

Click HERE for more photos from Red Mass...

h/t to GP

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