Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Erroll Southers likely would have been to the TSA what Eric Holder is to the Justice Department - an absolute nightmare for the United States of America. Once again, a good man in senator Jim DeMint stands up when it seems like martyrdom to do so. No way someone like Lindsey Graham or Susan Collins would have the same kind of courage. They'd likely see it as a loser and hope for a victory later on when it's more practical, hoping to use their caving in on that loser as capital.

Note to such people - standing on principle matters and DeMint gets it. He also got a victory when Southers pulled out. It may be time to add DeMint to the list of Davids out there like Roberto Micheletti, Vaclav Klaus, and Sheriff Joe Arpaio who actually know what standing up for what's right means.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:
In a statement, Erroll Southers said he was pulling out because his nomination had become a lightning rod for those with a political agenda. President Barack Obama tapped Southers, a former FBI agent, to lead the TSA in September but his confirmation has been blocked by Republican Sen. Jim DeMint, who says he was worried Southers would allow TSA employees to engage in collective bargaining with the government.

Questions have also been raised about a reprimand that Southers received for running background checks on his then-estranged wife's boyfriend two decades ago. Southers wrote a letter to lawmakers earlier this month acknowledging that he had given inconsistent answers to Congress on that issue.
For a small taste of why Erroll Southers would have been so dangerous, check out these short videos of him talking about our enemies.

Living With Terrorism

h/t to Hot Air for the Wapo link

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