Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Pride has such a funny way of making people look beyond absurd to those on the outside looking in. What's really funny is the fact that they have GOT to know it but simply can't help themselves. The latest instance comes courtesy of House majority leader, Steny Hoyer, who actually attempts to make the case that the reason the heavily Democratic state of Massachusetts was going Republican was not because of the Democrats' agenda but because of the Republicans' obstructing it.


The Hill Reported on the day of the election, when Steny saw the Stenyography on the wall:
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) on Tuesday said that angst voters have expressed early this election year is the result of GOP obstructionism, not the Democrats agenda.

Hoyer's remarks come as Republican state Sen. Scott Brown has surged in the Massachusetts special Senate election in part due to his pledge to be the GOP's 41st vote to filibuster healthcare reform legislation.

"I think what the public is angry about is they see, first of all, an opposition for opposition's sake," Hoyer told reporters.
Uh, Steny, maybe it was the fact that people like this registered Democrat saw through your lies. This man called you a liar to your face and you still ignored the majority of Americans who see your agenda for what it is - wicked.

More analysis at Hot Air

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