Sunday, January 17, 2010


Perhaps Barack Obama's best skill is the ability to get things done through others without leaving any of his own fingerprints. His affiliations are long and storied. Calling them "suspect" is being kind. Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and of course, Tony Rezko - a longtime friend of Obama who was found guilty on all 16 felony counts, consisting of fraud and kickback schemes.

In fact, the one instance where Obama failed to keep his fingerprints off of something incriminating involved a real estate deal with Rezko involving an adjacent lot to his home. On its face, Rezko would have absolutely NO reason to buy it unless political favors were involved. Obama called the deal "boneheaded" but it may be more than that.

Andrew Breitbart's new site, BIG JOURNALISM has a very interesting update on Rezko:
On June 4, 2008, Rezko was convicted in federal court on 16 charges of corruption. For a day or so, he was big news.

After that, a national media that ignored Obama’s connections with the corrupt Chicago political machine lost all interest in Rezko. After all, there was an “historic” election to influence, and anything that made Obama’s shady past the subject of a national conversation had to be squelched.

Today, those who remember Rezko assume he’s serving out his sentence. Wrong.

“Tony” is one of a dozen high-profile convicted criminals associated with The Machine who await sentencing. He voluntarily entered jail before being sentenced. His sentencing has been postponed several times. So what’s up? Is he afraid to be on the street? If he’s talking, what is he telling U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald from his cell?

When Obama ran for the U.S. Senate, his campaign funding committee consisted of Rezko, Allison Davis, and Valerie Jarrett.

In 1993, Allison Davis hired an attorney fresh out of Harvard for the Chicago law firm he formed to represent land developers. Obama worked there until he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004. Meanwhile, Davis became a developer himself.
Keep an eye on this one..

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