Saturday, January 16, 2010


As I watched this, I was struck by the audacity of grope, as in groping for anything - even if illegal - in order to protect Teddy's seat. This clip of Ed Schultz epitomizes what's wrong with the left - at its very essence. This is vintage ends-justify-the-means-Alinsky-style tactics. Schultz is in support of breaking the law in order to guarantee his brand of justice. How is this any different than blaming right wing talk show hosts for the actions of nut jobs? If people who listen to Schultz actually take his advice, is Schultz responsible - using the left's standard of course?

This is clearly a sign that Coakley is in serious trouble. When one of the left's most prominent talking heads advocates law-breaking, we have a problem.

Yet again, another instance in which Attorney General Coakley is silent in the face of law-breaking / injustice.

Vigilantism or subliminal robo-call?

h/t to NB

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