Thursday, January 14, 2010


This video angle of "the Thug Shove" of Weekly Standard reporter John McCormack is not only better than the first one that came out but it's also longer and provides the needed context to see how the incident unfolded. Listen carefully as McCormack asks Coakley to respond to her comment that there are no more terrorists in Afghanistan.

Due to the absurdity of her comment, she obviously decides to ignore McCormack who follows her after she answered another question. Watch as White House thug Michael Meehan follows McCormack and not only shoves him but does so aggressively, extending his arms outward as part of the effort.

White House Thuggery caught on tape..

And of course, here is Coakley caught actually witnessing the incident. As the Attorney General of Massachusetts, she should insist that Meehan be brought up on assault charges as it's not very often that a state's AG actually witnesses such things.

h/t to FR

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