Thursday, January 14, 2010


The video of a goon in a suit pushing a Weekly Standard reporter to the ground is getting wide circulation on the internet. As layers of the story are peeled back, there are quite a few interesting dynamics.

First, the video of the incident. The man pushed to the ground is John McCormack of the Weekly Standard. The man pushing him is Michael Meehan.

Perhaps the fact that Republican Scott Brown is closing in and making this a race is the reason for these hot heads.

Now we learn two very interesting developments.

One, Meehan was nominated by the Obama administration to a Broadcasting Board of Governors post. He shoved McCormack to the ground after Coakley refused to respond to McCormack's question about one of her comments about Afghanistan. When McCormack persisted in getting a response, Meehan assaulted him.

Here is the screen shot of Meehan's nomination by the White House.

Secondly, Martha Coakley attempted to downplay the incident and her knowledge of it. Unfortunately, this still shot of her looking directly at McCormack on the ground would seem to indicate she's lying.

As if this story needed anymore ironically surreal twists, Coakley is not only running for the Massachusetts Senate seat, she's currently the ATTORNEY GENERAL of the state and witnessed an assault!

h/t to GP

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