Thursday, January 7, 2010


If there's one thing politicians hate, it's being put in completely un-spinnable positions. In the C-SPAN scandal, that's exactly what Obama has done to his party's congressional leaders, not to mention his press secretary, Robert Gibbs. Gibbs has no choice. He is ordered to look like a fool answering the un-spinnable and he does an excellent job of it.

Nancy Pelosi isn't bound by the same kind of allegiance to the One and she obviously doesn't like the position Obama has put her in. At this press conference, she too jumps on the Joe Wilson, "you Lie" bandwagon, which is pretty funny considering the look on her face when Wilson shouted it out.

No, she doesn't call Obama a "liar" but the implication is inescapable. When she's challenged about Obama's campaign promise to show the negotiations on C-SPAN, she dismisses it as one of many campaign promises he made. Ok, if he broke this one, isn't that a LIE? Pelosi is clearly agitated by being put in this situation and she clearly sees Obama as the reason for it.

Obama went too far with the C-SPAN comments. That is becoming more and more obvious now that we see what he had in mind. Even if he'd have said the negotiations would be "open" and left it at that, he likely could have wiggled his way out of it. As it is, the word "C-SPAN" is very specific and that mis-calculation is causing some very significant fissures within the Democrat party.


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