Thursday, January 7, 2010


A sure sign that the C-SPAN-should-be-allowed-to-show-healthcare-negotiations debate is being lost by the White House. As embarrassing as Robert Gibbs' performance has been on this issue in recent days, the Obama administration has always been about the kool-aid. Obama has remained popular and free of liberal media criticism regardless of how blatant and egregious his many missteps have been.

However, when someone like Jack Cafferty at CNN picks up Joe Wilson's "you Lie" ball and runs with it, Obama may have a serious problem on his hands.

Yes, politicians lie all the time. The problem for Obama here is that the disparity between the eight times he was recorded saying the health care negotiations would be on C-SPAN juxtaposed with what's really going on is so blatantly obvious that even his most ardent supporters are feeling put-off by it.

Couple that with the fact that the majority of this country has already rejected Obamacare. This entire C-SPAN mess gives that majority an incredible weapon in the debate.

CLICK HERE to see CNN's Jack Cafferty express his strong disapproval.


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