Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Over the years, current U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has done plenty to make people question his motives. Whether it be his role in pardoning two Weather Underground terrorists, Marc Rich, or members of the FALN during the Clinton administration or his time as a partner at Covington Burling, a law firm that defends Gitmo detainess pro-bono, more people are asking questions about his loyalty.

The New York Post writes:
Whose side is the Justice Department on: America's -- or the terrorists'?
It's just insane that a lawyer who defended Osama bin Laden's driver and bodyguard -- and who sought constitutional rights for terrorists -- could be one of the Obama administration's top legal officials.

But there's Neal Katyal, occupying a top perch at the Justice Department as the principal deputy solicitor general.

Then there's Jennifer Daskal -- who just months ago was an anti-Guantanamo activist. Now she's in Justice's National Security Division -- working on detainee issues.

Talk about conflicts of interest.
Not only is it a conflict of interest issue but one of double standards as the piece explains further that private sector employees wouldn't get away with such things.

Read the whole thing.

h/t to Free Republic

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