Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well, if Fox News won't address the Islamic threat to our nation, maybe that responsibility will fall to talk radio and the blogs. WBT 1110 in Charlotte, NC has a talk show host named Keith Larson who - while talking on-air and in-studio with a Muslim named Jibril Hough on February 26th - witnessed quite the site. Larson presented Hough with some facts the latter simply could not refute, which resulted in his painting himself into a corner.

North Carolina is also home to Representative Sue Myrick, who has been one of the few leaders in this nation with the courage to confront the Islamic threats that face our nation. I wrote about her in a previous post. When it comes to Myrick, it appears that Hough has been using Alinsky tactics.

World Net Daily reports:
For years, Jibril Hough has represented himself and his North Carolina mosque as "moderate," while putting Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., on the defensive as an anti-Muslim fanatic who "shoots from the hip" when sounding the alarm about homegrown Islamic terrorism. Myrick, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, co-founded the Capitol Hill caucus after 9/11 to educate Americans about the growing threat from jihadists.
Until now, Hough has painted Myrick as unstable, Islamophobic, and paranoid about threats to her nation. Again, that is Alinsky, Rule #5 to be exact, which states:

Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It's hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

As that rule failed to be successful against Andrew Breitbart at CPAC, it has also apparently backfired here as well. During the interview, Larson produced evidence that the mosque Hough belongs to is not at all moderate, as Hough has claimed.
The North American Islamic Trust holds the deed to ICC, an 800-member Sunni mosque located on five acres at 1700 Progress Lane in Charlotte. The U.S. Justice Department recently blacklisted its owner NAIT as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror finance case in U.S. history. The government also identified NAIT as a front for Hamas and the radical Muslim Brotherhood in America.
As an aside, that "largest terror finance case" had the Holy Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) as the defendant. HLF was found guilty on all counts. Click here for more information on that trial. Not only is NAIT an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF trial but it is a subsidiary of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. To be clear, if Hough is connected to a mosque with ties to NAIT, it would not be all that dissimilar from an individual having ties to the KKK.

Back to WND:
Saudi-funded NAIT owns the title to hundreds of radical mosques across the country, including the notorious 9/11 mosque in Northern Virginia – Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center (deed) – which helped some of the hijackers obtain housing and IDs and also counseled the Fort Hood terrorist and several other known terrorists.

Hough, ICC's spokesman, at first expressed surprise when confronted with the information, claiming he'd never before seen the deed and did not know NAIT was named in a federal terror probe.

"I'm not aware of this information here," he said, reviewing the documents.

Pressed by Larson, the ICC spokesman later admitted NAIT is the "parent" of his mosque, but quickly added that he was not a member of the mosque when NAIT took control in 1992.

"I was not involved in the decision to allow NAIT to be the (title) holder," he said.

Asked if he were a member of NAIT, Hough paused before answering: "Not necessarily."

Larson said it looked as if his mosque was acting as a "front" for an organization tied to terrorism, and wondered why Hough was not more concerned.

"It's concerning, yes," Hough conceded.

"To everybody else it looks not just concerning but absolutely damning," the host responded. "Do you understand that?"

"What else can I say?" Hough said.

"Will you disassociate yourself" from NAIT? Larson asked.

"I told you I was going to look into it and was going to take it to my board," Hough snapped.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, none of the commentators on the Fox News Channel are covering these issues, including Glenn Beck, who is doing some otherwise extremely good work. Perhaps it is time for talk radio and bloggers to start peeling off the layers of this onion.

Ever wondered why Fox News doesn't cover the Islamic threat and the ties many of these groups have to the Muslim Brotherhood, to include the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). It very well may have something to do with the fact that Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is the 2nd largest shareholder of NewsCorp, parent company of Fox and has already demonstrated that he can influence Fox programming.

Keeping that in mind, look at how Neil Cavuto handles Saudi prince bin Talal during an interview in January, 2010. Someone please try telling me bin Talal has no influence on Fox after watching Cavuto suck up to him for almost six minutes. By the way, this is the same Saudi prince who tried offering Rudy Guiliani $10 Million after 9/11. Rudy didn't accept it when bin Talal blamed the attack on U.S. policies in the middle east.

Read the whole story.

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